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IP Chicken curry (kid friendly)

Ariv and neti both love chicken. I got my instant pot few weeks back and wanted to try chicken curry. Both of them are my little helpers when I am cooking this dish. They gathered mint leaves from backyard and were all ready to help. Ariv wanted to cut the onions and tomatoes too. :) I made them sit on the kitchen island when I make this dish.


12 leg pieces organic chicken

1/2 quart yogurt

1.5 tbsp turmeric powder

2.5 tbsp garam masala powder

4 cloves garlic

2 Tomato

3 Onion

2 cup Mint leaves

Handful Cilantro leaves

Salt to taste

1 Lemon


1. Wash chicken thoroughly.

2. Marinade chicken with yogurt, turmeric powder, garam masala. Mix well.

Set aside for couple hours.

3. Blend garlic , mint, cilantro, onion and tomato in a blender.

4. Pour 2 tbsp oil in a IP in saute mode and add the blended paste from the blender above and cook for about 10-15 minutes.

5. Add the chicken and saute for another 5-8 minutes

6. Now put the lid on IP and set to Pressure cook mode -High for 8 minutes.

7. After 8 minutes, let stand till NPR. Keep warm option on.

8. Garnish with cilantro leaves and lemon juice. Serve hot with rice or rotis.


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