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White pound cake!

Ariv turns 5 today! So hard to believe that my baby I had yesterday is so big already!! Ariv wants blue cake with blue candy Both Ariv and Neti were very excited to decorate the cake. I bought all of the accessories from kroger last weekend. Ariv and Neti played in the backyard on the bouncy house, with bubbles and then we cut the cake in the evening. Grand mom made tomato soup and kothimbir wadi and aloo paratha. The kids had a blast!!


3 eggs

150 gm sugar

150 gram butter (For best results, use Amul butter)

150 gram all purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp vanilla essence

For decoration:

Confectioners white Sugar – 1 cup

Heavy whipped Cream – 1 pint 3/4 cup Heavy Whipping Cream plus 1 Tbsp Sugar whipped to 1 1/2 cups

Ice cubes

M & Ms

Blue sanding sugar Writing pen color of your choice available in grocery store

Decoration candles

Cake Method:

1. Pre heat oven to 350 degree F

2. Grease a 13*7 inch glass tray with butter or alternatively use the non stick PAM spray. I use an aluminum foil in a glass tray so that its easy to clean later and grease the foil with PAM spray.

3. Meanwhile, in a bowl, add all purpose flour. In the sequence below- add ingredients - sugar, room temperature butter. and eggs.

4, Use hand mixer to mix well.

4. Add vanilla essence and mix well.

5. Add baking powder at end and mix well.

6. Then place cake batter here.

7. Bake for 30-35 minutes on 350 C. The baking times may vary based on your oven. Use a tooth pick and pierce in the middle of the cake pan to check if the cake is done.

Decoration Method:

1. Whip Heavy Whipping Cream and 1 cup confectioners sugar in a bowl over ice until fluffy. I used hand mixer for about 3-5 minutes for this.

2. I now cut the cake finely into rectangle shape in 2 pieces.

3. Place one cake in the bottom. You can now add icing on one cake. Alternatively, drizzled milk on top of it

4. Then spread the cream on top of it.

5. Place another cake on top of it.

6. Repeat steps 4,5

7. Decorate as shown in the pictures or as you like.

8. Chill about 6 to 8 hours.



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